Case STudies
KnightHawk Engineering (KHE) has executed hundreds of projects since its inception. Following are several case studies that present a sampling of the type of projects we are traditionally involved with. Please contact us for further information concerning these case studies or our capabilities.
Design of High Temperature, Pressurized Ash Grinder
Premature Corrosion Puts Plant at Risk
Field Survey of Compressor Train
Optimize Gas Flow in TLE using CFD
Spread Shaft Analysis on Folio Sheeter
Investigation of Coupling Failure & Alignment of Turbine/Compressor
Train Balance, Rotordynamic Analysis and Rotor Redesign
Furnace Coil Failure Analysis and System Assessment
Life Evalution and Repair Option for CO2 Compressor
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structural Modification
Repair Option for API Storage Vessel
Failure Analysis of Compressor Frame Extension
Piping Design for the Removal of Expansion Joints
Design of Conveying System with Overhead Crane
Energy Balance Analysis for Hydraulically Operated Facility
Pelletizing Die Troubleshooting
Elastic-Plastic ASME Code Analysis of a Selective Linear Exchanger
Non-Linear Creep Analysis of Furnace Coil
Structural Dynamics of Furnace Coil
Rush Pipe Stress Analysis of Refinery Piping
Vibration Analysis of Steam By-pass Valve
Piping Vibration - the Process Solution
Structural Dynamics - Process Equipment Structure
Emergency Process Equipment Design
Machine Condition Assessment of Agitator Gearbox
Centrifugal Compressor Failure Analysis
Liquid Ring Compressor Failure Analysis
Centrifugal Compressor Failure & Performance Shortfall Analysis